Lack of affordable rents in Co...


Lack of affordable rents in Cork is a real barrier to people leaving Direct Provision accommodation

Lana O'Connor
Lana O'Connor

05:30 8 May 2024

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A Cork based migrant support group say they expect to see an increase in transfer notices being issued to migrant families at the end of the school term

NASC  has been highlighting the barriers people face when trying to leave Direct Provision accommodation with rising rents one of the biggest issues

The group say many people, who have secured their residency papers, end up remaining within the system as they cannot afford to rent a property

Speaking to RedFM News Olivia Teahan  from NASC says being transferred to other Direct Provision accommodation around the country is a huge upheaval for people

"You have people having difficulties with work, people might be studying and trying to build up their experience and skills that way. And we're certainly expecting to see an increase in notices of transfer given to families when the school term ends. So there could be notices being held off on issuing those until the school term ends. So we are, unfortunately, expecting to see that in the coming weeks and months, and people having to start all over again"

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Direct Provision Migrant Support NASC

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