Almost 70 children being looke...


Almost 70 children being looked after by Tusla

RedFM News
RedFM News

07:56 28 Jun 2022

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Almost 70 Ukrainian children are being looked after by Tusla, as they've no parent or guardian to care for them.

In total, there are 164 unaccompanied boys or girls in state care or accommodation.

Equality Minister Roderic O'Gorman says 66 are Ukrainian.

Suzanne Connolly, the chief executive of Barnardos, says children need extra care after escaping war.

"Many children coming from war torn countries will be in a state of shock, fear and anxiety.

"Firstly, they will need to be in an environment where they can express their feelings, and that they're also given a sense of being in a safe space.

"It's also important that they can express their sadness, their anger, whatever emotion is going on for them."

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