Taoiseach says hospitality cou...


Taoiseach says hospitality could start reopening in June

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

07:26 28 Apr 2021

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Hospitality could begin to reopen in June under plans being considered by government.

The Taoiseach told his party last night it's looking at the likes of hotels, B&Bs and self-catering accommodation.

The plan, which is set to be announced tomorrow, is also expected to see the likes of hairdressers, museums and retail open next month.

NPHET will issue its recommendations after it meets this morning, with the details set to be considered by the cabinet Covid sub-committee this evening.

UCC Virus expert, Professor Gerry Killeen, says reopening without a plan to get infection rates down further is worrying.

"Our plan seems to be to push our luck, and leave it still ticking away.

"I know some sectors have been asked to use rapid antigen tests well into the year as a way to keep their guard up against persisting transmission, and I don't think that's a very good idea

"I would appeal to people to be prepared for the possibility that things might not go the way we want them to go."


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