City buskers face new restrict...


City buskers face new restrictions on how they play

Kellie Murphy
Kellie Murphy

11:14 4 Dec 2023

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Buskers in the city could be facing new challenges soon with restrictions on how they play.

A public consultation set up by the City Council will be open until the 8th of December to create bye-laws around street performing.

A sound limit of 75 decibels as well as a ban on backing tracks are some of the proposals that have been drafted up, but the Council says the official bye-laws will be created in the new year.

Speaking to RedFM News, busker Paul O’Doherty says he set up Cork Street Performers Association so that buskers can have their input:

"Things that we want to raise are locations, the decibel limit, and the question of backing tracks."

Business owners say they've had to ask buskers to move because they're disrupting customers.

Speaking to RedFM News, Eileen Domiati of Dulce Bun House on Oliver Plunkett Street says song repetition is also a problem:

"There are times where I've had to go out and tell someone, I'm really sorry. But you have to stop. It's really, really bothering our customers and our staff, ruckus from busking, the levels of noise and the quality, you know, and obviously the repetition of their repertoire as as well. You know, they need to kind of come up with a system where they're not playing the same music all the time."

Ger O'Hanlon bus

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