Irish Research Council Advance...


Irish Research Council Advanced Laureate Award for Tyndall’s Dr Keeney

Breda Forrest
Breda Forrest

03:41 18 Dec 2023

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Dr Lynette Keeney has received nearly €1m in the Irish Research Council  Advanced Laureate Awards, for her deep-tech project entitled ‘designing confined multiferroic topologies to explore relationships between magnetic and polar textures’.

The institute says this project is important for the semiconductor industry due to increased demands for remote learning, working and entertainment, which has led to a phenomenal increase in worldwide data creation.

Ireland has a longstanding semiconductor sector which directly employs 20,000 people.

The sector is estimated to have generated revenue of €15.5bn this year.

Congratulating Dr Lynette Keeney on her award, Professor William Scanlan, CEO, Tyndall, said: “I wish to extend my warmest congratulations to Dr Lynette Keeney, on receipt of the prestigious Irish Research Council Advanced Laureate Award. These awards recognise researchers who are pursuing ground-breaking deep-tech research, and we are immensely proud of Dr Keeney’s important work in the area of multiferroic topologies, exploring relationships between magnetic and polar textures. Dr Keeney’s award is testament to Tyndall’s contribution to the global semiconductor industry.”

Earlier this year, Tyndall called for action to be taken to allow Ireland to benefit from the opportunities presented by the new EU Chips Act.

The EU Chips Act is a comprehensive set of measures worth €43bn to safeguard the EU’s strategic autonomy in the global supply chain of semiconductors.

Dr Keeney’s project is focusing on new material understanding, to produce energy efficient data storage and devices to meet increased data creation.

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