Cork Labour Representative Cal...


Cork Labour Representative Calls For €9/Month Unlimited Public Transport Ticket For Cork

RedFM News
RedFM News

04:46 12 Aug 2023

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An increase in the the usage of public transport, caused by a 9-euro-per-month unlimited public transport ticket, would force the government to improve public transport services.

That's according to a Cork Labour representative, Peter Horgan

He is calling on the government to trial a 9 euro per month Climate Ticket in Cork City, to gauge the true demand for public transport.

A similar ticket was introduced in Germany over 2 years ago.

There, the ticket has led to a massive surge in public transport usage, and an increase in social mobility for people on low incomes.

Speaking to RedFM News, local Labour representative Peter Hogan says a 9 euro per month Climate Ticket would give the public more transport options:

"This isn't to slash everyone's car tyres and say 'you can't use your car anymore'. It's about giving options to people. And if you can give more options, if you can get more footfall on to the current services, that should and it must include more investment into further services, because if you have X amount plus Y going on a service in a rural area, if you can show with a €9 that that's going to increase, that demands more investment, more services on a daily basis".

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