Sinn Fein To Table No-Confiden...


Sinn Fein To Table No-Confidence Motion In Justice Minister Helen McEntee Next Week

Breda Forrest
Breda Forrest

01:15 1 Dec 2023

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Sinn Fein is to table a no-confidence motion in Justice Minister Helen McEntee next week.

Mary Lou McDonald says the country can't have a Justice Minister who "refuses to acknowledge the political failures that allowed our communities to become unsafe."

Minister McEntee has faced calls to resign from her position since last week's riots in Dublin following a mass stabbing in the city centre.

Deputy McDonald says the Government is simply not listening:

"I have full confidence in the Gardaí, in the the Garda on the beat, but I have zero confidence in the Justice Minister, Helen McEntee. So we are moving a no confidence motion in her, because we have no confidence in how this city is being policed, we have no confidence that there is a responsible leaderly person in charge, and we need to change that".

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