Plans are afoot to make Cork a...


Plans are afoot to make Cork an anti racism county

Maire Nolan
Maire Nolan

01:54 17 May 2024

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Plans are afoot to make Cork an anti racism county

A youth led anti-racist summit is being held at City Hall this afternoon and will focus on the pressing issues of the Direct Provision system that significantly affect young refugees and migrants

Participants will share their experiences of racism and inequality along with their strategies to combat racism

Raphael Olympio, a Youth Mentor and Co-ordinator at Cork Migrant Centre says the event is about breaking down barriers;

"It's literally about sharing the experiences, letting people know what is going on and and  hearing it like directly from from the young people, but also to break down barriers I guess to get people to question. Question was happening in the community for themselves and also spearhead change in our community."

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Anti-racism Cork Racism Summit

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