Stalking victim from Youghal s...


Stalking victim from Youghal says signoff by Cabinet on a new law making stalking a standalone offence will be greatly welcomed

RedFM News
RedFM News

06:49 20 Apr 2022

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Cabinet are due to sign off on the law making stalking a stand alone offence carrying a maximum 10 year prison sentence.

The changes will include the explicit reference to stalking as a criminal offence, and it will update the law to make sure it includes all forms of modern communications.

Una Ring’s own experience of stalking and that of Eve McDowell from Galway led the two women to team up and lead a campaign for the new stand alone stalking offence.

Una's stalker was jailed for seven years and her experience drove her on to play a major part in developing the new law.

Speaking to RedFM News Una says the new law will give Gardaí more powers and help women to feel safer:

"The deterrent I think will be the biggest thing. And also the Garda training; the Guards do need more training in how to handle stalking victims. The guards in Youghal were absolutely phenomenal in the way they handled my case. The Guards will be getting better training on how to handle cases of stalking and I think that will make a huge, huge difference. It'll make it easier for people to report it."

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